Participation cost: 5 € / person
Age: from 5 to 10 years old
Location: Philhellenism Museum
Duration: 90 minutes
The Philhellenism Museum has designed a creative game for its young friends.
The young visitors are tour-guided to the Museum, learn the stories of the Philhellenes who fought for the freedom of Greece and admire their portraits and personal belongings.
During the guided-tour, each student is asked to choose one of the Philhellenes that impressed them the most. At the end of the tour, the museum collaborators provide the students with papers and painting tools and invite them to draw portraits of these Philhellenes and write a note about their impressions of the contribution of these people.
These works will be sent to schools in the countries and cities of origin of these Philhellenes as a means of friendly relations’ cultivation between Greece and these countries. At the same time, the children will be informed about the countries of origin of the Philhellenes they have chosen.
The aim of the action is to educate the students about Philhellenism and its contribution to the positive outcome of the Revolution through a simple, participatory, creative and extroverted process.
Information and reservations:
Philhellenism Museum
12 Zisimopoulou Street
11524, Athens
Phone: 210.8094750