The Philhellenism Museum has launched an online tour program for schools and cultural institutions that are unable to visit the Museum due to pandemic restrictions and inability to move. More than 120 visits from all over Greece and abroad have already been planned.

The program also addresses the Greek schools of the Greek community and the guided tours are held in Greek, in French and in English.

In this context, the Philhellenism Museum welcomed online the students of the A. Fantis School of Saints Constantine and Helen in New York.

The students of the school had the opportunity to learn through a pleasant and educational interaction with the staff of the Museum the influence of Greek education and the values ​​of Greek culture in the arts, politics and social progress, as well as the evolution of Philhellenism since the Renaissance until today, and its contribution to the National Independence of Greece.

The guided tour took place entirely in English.

The visits to the Museum continue to take place both on site and virtually.

Information and reservation:





SHP and the Philhellenism Museum honor the great American Philhellene Julia Ward Howe, Julia Ward (1819-1910).

Famous pacifist, feminist, abolitionist, human rights activist, and poet. She wrote the poem Battle Hymn of the Republic.

Wife of the American Philhellene Samuel Gridley Howe.

She supported the struggle of the Greeks during the revolution in Crete (1866-1869) with the establishment of the “Greek Relief Committee” in Boston, raising money, food and clothes. She even dedicated a poem to Greece. To support the Cretan revolutionaries, she organized an important event in Boston with the participation of prominent musicians. Only from this event, she raised 2,000 thalers, and sent them to Greece.

Later Julia Ward came with her family to Greece and helped the Cretan refugees with money and clothes. (S99)