The ceremony for the award of the international Lord Byron Prize 2024 took place in the central hall of the Academy of Athens, on July 2, 2024.

The laureate, Earl of Lytton, is the only direct descendant of Lord Byron, through his daughter Ada Byron Lovelace, and a member of the House of Lords in the United Kingdom.

The Society for Hellenism and Philhellenism, in collaboration with the Academy of Athens, awards annually the international Lord Byron Prize to distinguished personalities whose careers are based on the values ​​of Philhellenism.

The Prize was presented by the President of the Academy of Athens, Mr. Stamatios Krimizis and its Secretary General, Mr. Christos Zerefos, and by Mr. Constantinos Velentzas, President of the Society for Hellenism and Philhellenism and the Philhellenism Museum in Athens.

Mr. Krimizis focused on the prominent personality of Lord Byron and his contribution to the development of the Philhellenic movement, while he also referred to the honorary events prepared by the Academy of Athens, both in memory of Lord Byron this year, and for the Holy City of Messolonghi for the 200 years since the heroic exodus, in 2026. In addition, he referred to the honorable Lord Lytton and congratulated him on his important work.

Mr. Velentzas referred to the decisive role that Lord Byron played for the liberation of Greece, and the movement of Philhellenism that changed international relations, introducing the institution of international solidarity and military interventions in favour of nations fighting for their freedom and the values of western culture.

Lord Lytton thanked the Academy of Athens and the SHP for his award, and spoke about his ancestor Lord Byron and his work in the House of Lords.

The 13th Lord Byron also participated in the event.

After the award ceremony, Lord Lytton and Lord Byron inaugurated the exhibition Lord Byron and the Philhellenic Aura.

The exhibition takes place in the eastern hall of the Academy of Athens and includes personal items of Lord Byron and his fellow volunteers in Greece, historical documents and publications, as well as rare works of art with Byronic heroes from the collections of the Philhellenism Museum.

The exhibition will last until October 31, 2024 and can be visited daily 10.00-14.00 with free entry.

Academy of Athens, T. 2103664700,
Philhellenism Museum, T. 2108094750




The Society for Hellenism and Philhellenism (SHP) established in 2021, and awards In collaboration with the Academy of Athens, the International Lord Byron Prize in 2021, in honor of the great poet and Philhellene.

The International Lord Byron Prize is awarded annually to important personalities from the political, cultural, academic, or business international arena, whose careers are characterized by a long-term philhellenic attitude or who have contributed to society with actions aligned with Hellenism’s values.

These individuals carry out their duties from their significant positions of responsibility in a manner entirely consistent with the principles and values of Philhellenism. They courageously address significant international crises and contribute remarkable work to society as a whole.

Each of the honorees receives a silver medal, a diploma, and a grant of $10,000 USD, donated in their name to a foundation of their choice engaged in activities that serve and promote Hellenic and Philhellenic values.

The first Lord Byron Prize for the year 2024, is bestowed to Lord Lytton, a member of the House of Lords and direct descendant of Lord Byron, from his daughter Ada Byron Lovelace, who will attend the award ceremony at the Academy of Athens on July 2, 2024.

Further to the award ceremony, an exhibition organized by the Academy of Athens and the Philhellenism Museum, will be the premises of the Academy, entitled “Lord Byron and the Philhellenic aura”.

For more information and reservations, please contact us at

The Society for Hellenism and Philhellenism (SHP) and the Philhellenism Museum, are pleased to announce that they have completed the evaluation of the student competition on the theme “2024: 200 years since the death of Lord Byron – the continuous Philhellenism”.

30 eligible applications, which were submitted on time, were evaluated. All the proposals were of particular interest and we congratulate the students and their teachers for their efforts. Therefore, the SHP decided to honor the first 4 winners, and to give commendations to 4 other participants.

The first 4 winners of the competition (who will receive a prize and a PC) are as follows:


Primary education:




Secondary education:




At the same time, it was decided to award a prize to the following participants:








We congratulate the winners of the contest and sincerely thank all the participants for their diligent effort and the time they spent to create an admirable material, which honors Lord Byron, the Philhellenes, and the thousands of people internationally who were inspired by the Hellenic civilization and the liberation struggle of the Greeks, and laid the foundations of the values ​​on which the continuous Philhellenism rests.

The award ceremony will take place in early October 2024. The exact date will be announced on the website and Facebook pages of the Society for Hellenism and Philhellenism (, @eefshp) and the Museum of Philhellenism (www., @phmus).

Many of you ask us to organize school visits to the Philhellenism Museum. Our Museum has already responded positively. To arrange the details please contact our secretariat (tel. +30.210.8094750, +306985721860, mail:

Thank you again for your interest and we invite you to participate in the events of the SHP and our Museum.



The SHP and the Philhellenism Museum thank and congratulate the Ephorate of Antiquities of the City of Athens, for satisfying a permanent request of the citizens of Athens.

In 1826 a group of Greeks and Philhellenes, led by colonel Fabvier, crossed the lines of the Ottoman besiegers and carried food and munitions to the Athenians on the Acropolis, with which they held out until the summer of 1827. During this operation the French Major Robert lost his life fighting heroically.

Greece honored this heroic act by placing a column on the Southern side of the Acropolis, on the Pikioni path to the Acropolis. This column was destroyed a decade ago.

However, just yesterday, the employees of the Ephorate of Antiquities of the City of Athens, restored this historical monument.

George Krikelas, a friend of the SHP and the Philhellenism Museum and founder of the enactors Philhellenes Batallion, was one these employees. The Philhellenes Batallion and the Francois Robert Guard of Christos Lagiopoulos, honor the heroism of the Philhellenes and their contribution to the liberation of Greece.



The Greek Consul in Geneva, Mr. Alexandros Gennimatas, organized a particularly important ceremony during which an iconic bust of Lord Byron was inaugurated in Geneva, at the famous Villa Diodati in the municipality of Cologny. The bust is offered on behalf of the Hellenic community in Geneva, as a symbol of gratitude to the great British Philhellene, Lord Byron. The ceremony took place on Wednesday, 15 May 2024.

This historic villa on the lake of Geneva, where Lord Byron lived in the summer of 1816 with his friends Mary and Percy Shelley, John Polidori and Claire Clermont, has been linked with the two famous horror stories of international literature, “Frankenstein” and “Vampire”. Byron’s cohabitation with the Shelleys during the “year without a summer” as 1816 went down in history due to a huge climate crisis caused by a volcano eruption in Asia, had a significant impact on the development of international literature and the subsequent development of Philhellenism internationally .

The extremely important and complex task of highlighting this unique landmark in Geneva, which honors Lord Byron and Philhellenism, “will be another point of reference in the long philhellenic tradition of Geneva”, as mentioned by Mr. Alexandros Gennimatas.

The construction and installation of the bronze bust of Lord Byron was sponsored by the Greek businessman Mr. Georgios Koukis, while the artwork was designed by the Greek sculptor and professor, Mr. Praxitelis Tzanoulinos. This project started in 2020, on the initiative of the Consul of Greece and the honorary president of the Greek Community of Geneva.

The Society for Hellenism and Philhellenism (SHP) and the Philhellenism Museum participated in the inauguration ceremony and the event that followed, with a speech by the President of the SHP and the Philhellenism Museum, Mr. Constantinos Velentzas. In the context of this event, Mr. Velentzas honored the important Swiss Professor of archeology and history, Mr. Pierre Ducrey, with the Lord Byron Medal on behalf of the SHP and the Academy of Athens.

This distinction recognizes Professor Ducrey’s contribution to highlighting the values of Hellenism, Greek history, and culture, as well as his contribution to strengthening the historical ties between Greece and Switzerland.

The ceremony was attended by HE Metropolitan Maximos of Switzerland, the mayor of Cologny Ms. Catherine Pahnke, the next mayor of Geneva Ms. Christina Kitsos, the deputy mayor of Cologny Mr. Pascal Hornung, the permanent representative of the United Kingdom to the UN in Geneva Ambassador Simon Manley, the honorary president of the Greek Community of Geneva, Mr. Michalis Papadopoulos, the family of Mr. Georgiou Koukis, and many representatives of Greek and philhellenic organizations.



Pierre Ducrey, a contemporary defender of Philhellenism

Pierre Ducrey embodies what he describes as “new philhellenism”, a modern form of the solidarity movement for Greece, born in Europe during the Greek War of Independence (1821-1827). Archaeologist, historian of ancient and modern Greece. He has taken part in excavations in Northern Greece in Philippi and in Crete, as a researcher of the French Archaeological School. He then directed the Swiss Archaeological School in Greece (ESAG) and the Swiss excavations of Eretria in Evia for 24 years. He served as professor of ancient history at the University of Lausanne from 1974 to 2005, and was rector of that university from 1987 to 1995. From 2005 to 2010 he was president of the Hardt Foundation for the Study of Classical Antiquity, located at Vandoeuvres in Geneva, then he directed the Foundation until 2022 under the presidency of the former president of the Swiss Confederation, Mr. Pascal Couchepin.


Society for Hellenism and Philhellenism (SHP)

The SHP awards the Lord Byron Medal every year in collaboration with the Academy of Athens, to private or public organizations, to academics and researchers who have contributed to the promotion of Hellenic  culture, to personalities or to organizations that support the mission of the SHP, and finally to descendants of Philhellenes who offered their support to Greece during the war of independence.


Philhellenism Museum, T. +302108094750, E.



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The educational community participates actively in this celebrations of the SHP – Philhellenism Museum for the 200th anniversary since Lord Byron’s death.

Further to the initiative of the Second Arsakeion Lyceum of Psychiko, the Arsakeia Schools of Psychiko collaborated with the Philhellenism Museum to organize a special event – tribute to Lord Byron in the historic School Library with reference to the museum’s unique exhibits.

The event involved a live discussion between the distinguished Professor of Archaeology, Vassilis Lambrinoudakis, and the president of the Philhellenism Museum, Konstantinos Velentzas. The Director of the Second Arsakeio Lyceum, Linguist Nelli Pappa, took over the coordination of the debate, which had as its axis two different approaches aimed at the promotion internationally of Greek culture. The participating students had distinguished themselves in the preparatory stage that preceded the event.

The collaboration will continue with the use of the produced audio-visual material and with the implementation of new actions that the students will undertake to prepare this time by themselves.



Philhellenism Museum, T. 2108094750, E.




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The Ministry of Defense (MoD) organized on 24/4/2024 at the Evelpidon Military Academy, a ceremony for the leadership of the Hellenic Armed Forces to honour Philhellenism and the 200 years since the death of Lord Byron. An English poet whose name was associated with Messolonghi and the Struggle for Greek Independence. His role, like that of all the Philhellenes, was absolutely pivotal for the people and governments of Europe to support the Greek Revolution.

The event was attended by the Minister of National Defense, Mr. Nikos Dendias, the leaders of GEETHA, GES, GEN, GEA and Ms. Susan Geary on behalf of the British Embassy in Athens. The Minister addressed the cadets in the main auditorium of the Academy. A speech followed on the contribution of Lord Byron and the Philhellenes volunteers to the establishment of the Greek Regular Army, by the president of the SHP and Philhellenism Museum, Mr. Konstantinos Velentzas.



Philhellenism Museum, T. 2108094750, E.




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The event took place on 25/4/2024 at the emblematic Iliou Melathron building on Panepistimiou Street, in collaboration with the British Embassy, in the presence of the British Ambassador in Athens, Matthew Lodge.

The event was attended by Byron College – The International British School and the distinguished British musician Tim Healy, who visited Greece for two days and captivated the attendees to the musical background of the bagpipe.

Speeches were given by the Director of the Numismatic Museum, Anastasia Rammou, the President of the SHP – Philhellenism Museum, Konstantinos Velentzas, the British Ambassador to Greece, Matthew Lodge, the head of studies at Byron College, Rory Gallagher and the Mayor of Vyronas Municipality, Alexios Sotiropoulos.

A large number of friends responded to the invitation, including academicians, professors, diplomats, politicians, representatives of the Armed Forces and the government.

The event comprised readings of Lord Byron’s poems and musical performances accompanied by violin and cello. This special evening ended with a reception.



For information:
Philhellenism Museum, Τ. 2108094750, Ε.




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The event is organized by the Cultural Association “FRIENDS OF LIMNOTHALASSA” in collaboration with the SHP and the Philhellenism Museum, on “His legacy and the imprint of the leading Philhellenic in History and Art”, at the Municipal Gallery of Messolonghi, at 19.00.

Vicky Flessa, journalist and classical philologist, talks with Ioannis Chountis de Fabri, adviser to the House of Lords, historian and author of the book “Romanticism in power: Aspects of Lord Byron’s political ideology and his action in the Greek Revolution” published by Armos, on the importance of the Philhellene as a symbol of Greek-British friendship, his practical, material and symbolic contribution to the success of the Greek Revolution, as well as the politician Byron, his ideology and the contradictions of his action in Greece.

Objects depicting or relating to Lord Byron will be on display at the event.