Hellenism is the foremost anthropocentric civilization of a timeless character, based on the values of democracy, freedom, creation and exaltation of the spirit and is constantly evolving.The Society’s goal is to contribute to the evolution of Hellenism, so that it continues to constitute the backbone and driving force of Western civilization.In this field, the Society collaborates internationally with institutions having a similar object, museums, libraries, academic and research institutions, archaeological schools, aiming to promote and support classical studies.The Society manages important collections in the field of antiquities and numismatics. The objects of these collections will be used to support the academic community in terms of education and research, and to organize international exhibitions. These collections will soon be exhibited in a permanent exhibition space.
The image of the front page of the website.
Nike untying her sandal
Nike untying her sandal, is a sculpture of the 5th century BC, from the parapet of the temple of Nike (goddess Victory) on the Acropolis. It depicts Nike (Victory) slightly leaning her body to untie her sandal before she enters the sanctuary.
Georgios Vroutos (1843-1908) complemented the ancient sculpture and revived it in its original beauty.