It is a game that traces its roots to ancient Greece, and the feats of Theseus, who crosses the galleries of the labyrinth in search of self-knowledge and triumph. This game has been played in Europe since the 16th century. In the 19th century it conquered the Philhellenic circles and the edition of the time symbolizes the liberation struggle of the Greeks in 1821.
The board of the game is a copy of the one Philhellenes used to play in the 19th century.
The pawns of the game are small busts of Lord Byron in 4 colors.
Box dimensions: 26 x 22 x 5 cm
Board dimensions: 36 x 49 cm
Lord Byron (1788 – 1824)
A restless and creative spirit, inspired by the values of Hellenic culture, in the early 19th century directs literature and intellectual life into new paths. He impresses with his poetic work, identifies with the Romantic Movement, is admired and worshipped internationally. Like Theseus and Odysseus, he sometimes succumbs to his weaknesses and sometimes faces them down, all the while on the look-out for a noble goal that will redeem him. Finally he transforms himself into a political and military being and identifies with the cause of the Greek revolution. His death in Missolonghi in 1824 shocked international public opinion, gave an explosive dimension to the international philhellenic movement, and turned the cause of Greece’s independence into a just vindication for his loss.