Greek dishes
Philhellenic dishes (complete series), from the factory of Toulouse, Fouque & Arnoux, b. 1830. Pressed seal: Valentine, diameter: 22 cm.
Bibliography: Amandry, The Greek Revolution in French ceramics of the 19th century, Athens 1982, pp. 42-47.
The very rare Toulouse series has the following themes:
a) Le départ du Grec (the departure of the Greek)
b) Soldier Grec enlevant un étendard à son ennemi (Greek soldier removes an emblem from the enemy)
c) Vengeance d’une famille Grecque (the revenge of a Greek family)
d) The Greeks before a strong defense by the Turks (Greeks occupy a fort defended by Turks)
e) Un Grec blessé (Greek injured)
f) Mort d’un Grec (the death of a Greek)
g) Young Greek sauvée de l’esclavage des Turcs (rescue of a Greek woman from the slavery of the Turks)
h) La veille d’une attaque (the day before an attack)
i) Greek troupes in embuscade (Greek troops in ambush)
j) The pistol coup (the gun shot)
k) Nouvelle du combat de Navarin (the news from the naval battle of Navarino)
l) Grecs apres un revers (Greeks after a retreat)