On Saturday, November 16, 2024, an event and concert took place in Stuttgart, organized by the Greek Community in Germany e.V. (Omogeneia). The event aimed to highlight the deep cultural relations between Greece and Germany.

Speakers at the event included the President of Omogeneia Konstantinos Kahrimanidis, the Vice-President of the SHP (Society for Hellenism and Philhellenism), Professor Costas Papailiou, the Consul General of Greece in Stuttgart, Mrs. Maria Kehri, and the German historian Frank Ackermann. Messrs. Ackermann and Papailiou presented German philhellenism, focusing on the German Philhellenes of Stuttgart and the historical contribution of Norman von Ehrenfels, general of the Greek regular army and Philhellenic forces during the Greek struggle for independence (1822).

The event was attended by descendants of Norman von Ehrenfels, and Daniel Elster, another prominent Philhellene, who fought in the Battle of Peta and on other fronts. In this context, Professor Papailiou, as Vice-President of SHP, awarded the Lord Byron medal to Mrs. Angela Lehman, a descendant of Count Norman von Ehrenfels.

The musical part of the evening began with the German Philhellenic Choir under the direction of Matthias Bretschneider, who performed German songs from the time of the Greek Revolution.

For information: info@eefshp.org



The premiere of the play entitled “Byron. The farewell. Messolonghi 1824” took place in the Amphitheatre of the War Museum. The play, which moved and impressed the audience, deals with the last days of Lord Byron in Messolonghi.

The two theatrical performances were offered to the public of Athens with free admission, by the Society for Hellenism and Philhellenism (SHP) and the Philhellenism Museum, in collaboration with the War Museum and under the auspices and support of the British Embassy in Athens. Other presentations of the play are planned to follow in Greece and abroad.

The event was addressed by the president of the War Museum, Mr. Konstantinos Karamesinis, the president and founder of SHP and the Philhellenism Museum, Mr. Constantinos Velentzas and the attaché of the British Embassy, ​​Ms. Katharina Arnold.

Mr. Velentzas prefaced the performance by outlining the historical context of the era to the audience, highlighting unknown details about the volunteer military and medical scientists who were by the side of the British Philhellene in the last days of his life.

The plot of the play was focused on a final account of the life and work of the Romantic poet, filled with the ideals of struggle and freedom, and the search for the higher meanings of human existence.

Emilianos Stamatakis, one of the most distinguished and talented actors of his generation, captivated the audience with his performance as Lord Byron. The role of Byron’s loyal valet, Fletcher, was performed by Pericles Lianos, who is particularly loved and known through his television roles.

The scenario is written by Iordanis Kalesis and directed by Vassilis Kontaxis. In addition, an original music by Angeliki Della was especially composed for the play, while the lyricism and unparalleled interpretive skill of soprano Angeliki Vardaka captivated the audience.

The play incorporates elements of cinematography, directed by the award-winning artist Thanos Angelis, while Pantelis Konsolakis was charged with the photography direction.

The Romantic poet who was the greatest Philhellene of all times, inspired and inspires the movement of Philhellenism internationally. His sudden death at the age of 36 was a global event, which moves the new generations to this day. Byron’s unconventional temperament, is a starting point to discover at the same time his literary intelligence, which even today influences fiction and artistic creation.

The intention of the SHP – Philhellenism Museum and the contributors, is the tour of the play in other cities in Greece and abroad.


Byron. The Farewell, Messolonghi 1824

Under the auspices and support of the British Embassy

Author: Iordanis Kalesis | Direction – stage plan: Vassilis Kontaxis | Original Music – piano: Angeliki Della | Film direction and costume design: Thanos Angelis | Director of photography: Pantelis Konsolakis | Research advisor: Dr. Zambia Agrimaki | Lighting: Thodoris Gogos


Kostas Gerantonis | Iordanis Kalesis | Dimitris Pneumatikos | Ilias Sardellis | Special guest: Pericles Lianos | Soprano Angeliki Vardaka

Emilianos Stamatakis as Lord Byron